How to Tell Thanksgiving Cactus from Christmas Cactus
How to tell Thanksgiving cactus from Christmas Cactus
How to tell Thanksgiving cactus from Christmas Cactus
Find out how to grow living stones, unique miniature succulents that look like pebbles. This guide covers how to care for living stone plants, including watering them just right to keep them thriving.
Florist’s cyclamen have a reputation for being tricky to grow but this guide will help you keep these plants blooming in winter and then rebloom year after year indoors.
Learn how to propagate rubber plants through cuttings and air layering with this step-by-step guide.
These 12 stunning and unique succulent varieties will add excitement to your indoor garden.
Spike moss, also known as club moss or selaginella, makes an excellent terrarium plant. Learn how to grow and care for this plant, including watering, lighting, and propagating tips.
To grow a Venus flytrap, you need to give this carnivorous plant special care. Use these tips to keep your Venus flytrap thriving indoors as a houseplant.
Choose festive indoor plants that won't harm cats or dogs—like holiday cactus, moth orchid, calathea, bromeliad, polka dot plant, and majesty palm.
These are the most stunning types of amaryllis to brighten up your home in winter.
Learn the best techniques for propagating orchids that are monopodial or sympodial. Get essential tips and expert advice to propagate orchids by keiki or division.
Repotting African violets regularly helps them grow and bloom better. Use these must-know tips to repot your plants properly.
Find out how to care for begonia houseplants with these tips on the best types to grow, lighting, watering, fertilizer, and more.
Get essential tips on caring for shell ginger as an annual, tender perennial, or indoor houseplant.
What’s in a name? Well, when it comes to the split-leaf philodendron vs monstera deliciosa, here’s what we know
These indoor trees will make an elegant, architectural statement wherever you place them.
Are your rubber plant leaves falling off? A houseplant expert explains common causes and provides simple tips for correcting the problems.
Find out how to prune monstera, including the best time to cut back your plant, so it doesn't outgrow its space.
Want to grow a nerve plant? Learn how to care for these tropical houseplants, where to grow them in your home, common pests, and different types to choose from.
Satin pothos is a popular vining houseplant that loves bright, indirect light. Place it on a mantel, shelf, or desk, and let the vines cascade.
If you see your money tree leaves turning brown, find out the most common causes and how to correct the problem to restore your plant to health.