Blooming in spring and early summer, star jasmine (Trachelospermum jasminoides) will perfume an entire garden. Take a walk through a yard that hosts this easy-to-grow vine, and you’ll likely catch the scent of the bright white flowers before you see them. The clusters of star-shaped blooms are petite and complemented by small, shiny evergreen leaves.
Star Jasmine Overview
Genus Name | Trachelospermum |
Common Name | Star Jasmine |
Additional Common Names | Confederate Jasmine |
Plant Type | Vine |
Light | Part Sun, Sun |
Height | 8 to 20 feet |
Width | 3 to 20 feet |
Flower Color | White |
Foliage Color | Blue/Green |
Season Features | Spring Bloom, Summer Bloom |
Special Features | Attracts Birds, Fragrance, Low Maintenance |
Zones | 10, 7, 8, 9 |
Propagation | Division, Stem Cuttings |
Problem Solvers | Good For Privacy |
Where to Plant Star Jasmine
Star jasmine is a fast-growing woody vine that can scramble up a trellis or fence, making it a great choice for creating a living screen. Its twining stems anchor themselves to structures and move upward rapidly. Plant it at the base of a pergola or arbor to create a fragrant roof on the structure. Twirl the young stems around the base of the posts to encourage the vines to climb up the support posts. Star jasmine does not climb masonry.
Star jasmine is winter hardy in USDA Hardiness Zones 8-10. It will sometimes survive in Zone 7b, but may need winter protection. In areas where star jasmine is not hardy, you can treat it as an annual and enjoy the fragrant flowers for a single season, or bring it indoors during winter to enjoy it. Star jasmine grows well in pots, so its easy to transport it indoors.
How and When to Plant Star Jasmine
Plant star jasmine in spring after all danger of frost has passed. Dig a hole slightly larger than the pot the plant is in and improve the soil before planting by adding compost or other organic matter. Star jasmine needs well-draining soil. Position the plant in the soil at the same level it was in the pot. If you plan to train the jasmine to a fence or trellis, insert a bamboo guide near the plant to get it going in the right direction.
Star Jasmine Care Tips
Plant star jasmine in spring or fall when the days are warm and the evenings are cool to help it get the best start.
Star jasmine does best in about 2-6 hours of direct sunlight a day. It will grow in shadier spots, but it grows slowly and produces fewer flowers.
Soil and Water
Fertile, well-drained soil is best for growing star jasmine. Blanket the soil around plants with a 2-inch-thick layer of mulch to prevent soil moisture loss. Water regularly during the first growing season to promote the development of a deep root system. Once established, the vine has good drought resistance and rarely needs supplemental watering.
Fertilize star jasmine with a balanced fertilizer such as 10-10-10 or 5-10-10. Start fertilizing after new growth occurs in spring but before the flower buds form. During the season, fertilize every six weeks.
Prune star jasmine plants after they finish flowering to encourage new growth. If you wait until late summer to prune, the plant will not bloom as prolifically the following spring. Make a diagonal cut just above a leaf node or lateral branch to encourage more blooms. Prune dense parts of the plant to allow for light and airflow.
Pests and Problems
No significant pests or diseases trouble this vine. Mealybugs and aphids can sometimes be a problem.
How to Propagate Star Jasmine
You can propagate star jasmine by taking cuttings from an existing plant. Make the cuttings about 6 inches long and cut immediately below a bud. Dip the cut end into a rooting powder and plant it in damp sand mixed with potting soil. Cover with a plastic bag to increase the humidity and keep the soil moist, but don't overwater.
Growing Star Jasmine Indoors
In cold winter areas, bring star jasmine indoors and place it in a bright, sunny window. Water it regularly and rotate the pot every few weeks to promote equal growth on all sides. Star jasmine does not often bloom indoors, but it will bloom outdoors in spring or summer if you move it outside once all danger of frost has passed.