How to Plant and Grow Pecan Trees
This Southern native makes a beautiful shade tree that will produce edible nuts in the right place. Learn how to plant, grow, and care for pecan trees.
This Southern native makes a beautiful shade tree that will produce edible nuts in the right place. Learn how to plant, grow, and care for pecan trees.
Boost privacy and add color and greenery in your yard by planting low-maintenance shrubs for hedge plants.
Find essential tips for growing pomegranates, including how to select the perfect variety and harvest delicious fruit.
Find key growing tips for Dutchman's pipe, a vigorous native vine that works well to shade an arbor or pergola.
Bougainvillea is a large tropical shrubby vine that rewards gardeners with showy bracts when grown in its preferred conditions.
Hydrangeas not blooming can be a frustrating problem for gardeners. These straightforward tips will promote tons of long-lasting flowers.
Learn how to use and care for this low-maintenance native shrub, including planting tips and the best types of black chokeberry to grow.
Find essential growing information on star jasmine including light, soil and water requirements, and indoor care.
Use these tips to make your hydrangeas bloom beautifully throughout the summer and into fall.
This guide covers how to grow and care for American hazelnuts, including planting, pest control, and harvesting tips.
Pruning Japanese maples properly accentuates the form and brilliant autumn color of these statement trees. Find out how and when to prune a Japanese maple tree to help it look its best.
Weeping trees add interest to a landscape all year long. Instead of growing straight up, their branches gracefully cascade down.
Yaupon holly is an easy-to-grow native shrub that tolerates wet and dry soil, full sun and shade, and has beautiful red berries.
Discover the best types of hydrangeas growing in the Better Homes and Gardens Test Garden. These hydrangeas stood out for special qualities such as early bloom, leaf color, and compact size.
Anyone can learn how to plant a tree the right way—especially with these expert tips from our BHG Test Garden.
This simple guide to deadheading hydrangeas includes expert tips on techniques and timing to ensure your plants bloom beautifully and stay healthy year round.
Learn to plant and grow camellia, the Southern belles of the plant world. These evergreen shrubs bear beautiful blooms during the colder months.
There is a type of magnolia tree or shrub for every landscape. Use this guide to choose the best magnolia for your garden.
This guide to pruning plants will help you to take care of trees, shrubs, and flowers for the healthiest garden possible.
Whether you're looking for the best hydrangea for full sun or all-season color, check out these perfect types of hydrangeas for your landscape.